Hyderabad: Actor Kasthuri Shankar was arrested by a special police team from Chennai’s Egmore police station on Saturday evening (November 16). The arrest happened at her flat in Narsingi, which is under the jurisdiction of the Cyberabad Police Commissionerate. The arrest was made due to controversial comments she had made about the Telugu community.
A senior officer from the Cyberabad Police confirmed the arrest, stating that the Chennai police team arrived in Hyderabad on the evening of November 16. They arrested Kasthuri Shankar around 8:30 p.m. She has been charged under sections 191 and 192 of the BNS Act of 2023. After the arrest, she is expected to be taken to Chennai on a transit warrant.
The actor’s legal issues began after an event in Chennai on November 3. During the event, she made remarks that caused a lot of backlash, as they were seen as offensive to the Telugu community. Kasthuri denied these accusations, saying her comments were misunderstood. Even though she apologized, the Madras High Court refused to grant her anticipatory bail, stating that her apology was not enough.
Following the court’s decision, the Chennai police acted quickly by sending a team to arrest her in Hyderabad. Kasthuri’s statements have sparked a heated debate, and the investigation is ongoing as she faces serious charges related to hate speech.