A person accused of transporting 315 kg of ganja from Andhra Pradesh to New Delhi has been granted bail by a court in the national capital. The court ruled that there was no evidence to link the accused with the recovery of the drugs or any phone conversations with the co-accused. The bail plea was heard by Additional Sessions Judge Amitabh Rawat.
The accused, Parvez Kuraisi, was alleged to have handed over the drugs to two other co-accused and was also accused of being in contact with them through phone calls. However, the judge noted that there was no recovery of drugs from Kuraisi and that the only allegation against him was under Section 29 of the NDPS Act, which deals with abetment and criminal conspiracy.
The judge also considered the reply of the Investigating Officer, which stated that Kuraisi had made regular phone calls to the co-accused, but there were no transcripts of these conversations. Additionally, there was no evidence of any financial transactions involving Kuraisi. The judge further mentioned that the charge sheet had not been filed yet and that the trial would take a long time.
Based on these factors and considering the material against Kuraisi, the court decided to grant him bail, despite the restrictions imposed by Section 37 of the NDPS Act.