Telangana Legislative Council Chairman Gutta Sukhender Reddy announced on Friday that he will not run in the next election. Instead, his son Amit will run if given the party’s ticket. However, Gutta will still work for the party even if his son is not given a chance. Gutta has four years left in his current term and will not run in this election.
Gutta believes that succession is only an entry card in politics, and the future is only possible with the support of the people. He predicts that BRS will win in Telangana for the third time and some Congress leaders will join their party in the joint Nalgonda district. He is confident that his party will win all the seats in this district.
Some leaders from Khammam and Mahabubnagar districts complained that they were imagining too much by joining the Congress. However, Gutta believes they will get more seats in Khammam than in the last election. He also mentioned that KCR has said that alliance without Congress is his policy and that’s why he’s not going to the Patna meeting.
Lastly, Gutta expressed disappointment that the Centre has failed to implement the promises of partition to the Telugu states.