The Congress government in Hyderabad is investigating allegations of irregularities in deals with realty companies under the HMDA. ACB officials conducted raids on multiple locations linked to Balakrishna, the former Director of Planning in the HMDA. The raids were based on information suggesting that Balakrishna acquired assets illegally. There are also allegations that BRS leaders, former ministers, and officials had a role in the alleged scam.
During the raids, the ACB uncovered assets worth more than Rs 100 crore at Balakrishna’s house and his relatives’ properties. The Congress had previously expressed concerns about the allocation of government lands to realty companies at lower prices. They also alleged that the BRS government favored companies owned by relatives of BRS MLC P Venkatrami Reddy. The Chief Minister received a report on the sale of HMDA lands in the past decade, and it is alleged that some BRS MLAs and MLCs were involved in the realty business.
ED and IT raids were conducted on realty firms before the Assembly elections, and now the ACB is targeting HMDA officials who allegedly colluded with leaders in land allotments to property companies.