The AAP government in Delhi has asked the Supreme Court to cancel the central government’s ordinance on officer transfer and posting. The Delhi government believes that the ordinance is illegal and wants it to be stopped right away. The central government created this order last month to establish the National Capital Public Service Authority, which handles the transfer and disciplinary action of Group-A employees in Delhi. However, Arvind Kejriwal’s government disagrees with this and opposes the ordinance.
A few days before the ordinance was enacted, the Supreme Court ruled that all services, except for police, law and order, and land in Delhi, should be under the control of the Delhi government. The Aam Aadmi Party claims that the central government is not following the Supreme Court’s judgment and that the ordinance is against the constitution.
Saurabh Bhardwaj, a spokesperson for AAP and a Delhi minister, announced that copies of the ordinance will be burned on July 3 at the ITO party headquarters by Arvind Kejriwal, cabinet ministers, and all MLAs. On July 5, the ordinance will also be burned in all 70 parliamentary seats.