New Delhi: Priyanka Kakkar, the national chief spokesperson for the Aam Aadmi Party, held a press conference at the party headquarters on Monday. She stated that Delhi has an educated and honest government that is working hard for the public’s benefit. The Delhi government is actively addressing environmental issues, such as tree plantation and electric transportation. They have already planted 43 lakh saplings out of the 53 lakh planned for this year. Additionally, 16.8% of private vehicles in Delhi are electric, thanks to their EV policy. Their efforts have been recognized with the State Leadership Award for their EV policy.
Kakkar also mentioned that Delhi’s air quality has improved by 8% since 2022 and is expected to improve by 31% by 2023. According to a report, except for the COVID-19 period, Delhi’s air quality has been the best in the last eight years.
Referring to an Environment Ministry report, Kakkar acknowledged that pollution levels in Delhi are improving but emphasized the need for further improvement. She stated that Meerut, Valsad, Alwar, Navsari, Hapur, Sonipat, Karnal, Surat, Gandhi Nagar, and Gorakhpur Shahan are among the most polluted cities, but Delhi is not on that list.
On another note, the Aam Aadmi Party accused the Haryana government, led by Manohar Lal Khattar, of not addressing stubble burning issues, which contribute to increased air pollution in Delhi. They called for Khattar’s resignation as Chief Minister due to the lack of solutions provided for farmers regarding stubble burning. It has been observed that three times more stubble has been burned in Haryana compared to last year.