In Hyderabad, Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari said that almost all villages in the State have mobile connectivity. This means that people in those villages can use their mobile phones to make calls and access the internet. There are over four crore mobile connections in the State, which is a lot. The CS said that Telangana is one of the few States in India where 5G has been launched aggressively.
The CS chaired a meeting of the State Broadband Committee and they talked about some things that need to be done to make sure that 5G services are available quickly. They reviewed the status of some applications that need to be approved and decided to create a working committee to speed things up. The meeting also talked about a new app called “Call Before U Dig” (CBuD). The CS said that all engineering departments should use this app before they start digging.
In summary, Telangana has a lot of mobile connections and almost all villages have mobile connectivity. The State is working hard to make sure that 5G services are available quickly and there is a new app that will help with this.