The 7th Telangana State-Level Para Athletic Games were held in a grand manner at Gachibowli Stadium, Hyderabad, on Tuesday. The event was inaugurated by prominent personalities, including Arjuna Awardee Jeevan G. Deepti, Dronacharya Awardee Coach Nagapuri Ramesh, Para Athletics Association President Dr. Shekhar, and Helen Keller Institute Chairman Umar Khan, who lit the ceremonial lamp to mark the occasion.
Dr. Shekhar, President of the Para Athletics Association of Telangana (PAAT) and a Palamuru-based doctor, spoke about the importance of creating equal opportunities for para-athletes. He stressed that para-athletes deserve the same recognition and support as other athletes. Their achievements, he said, should inspire everyone. Dr. Shekhar also emphasized that events like these help identify talented youth and ensure they receive the support and encouragement they need. He called on corporate and social organizations in Telangana to take up the promotion of para-athletes as a social responsibility.
During the event, medals and certificates were awarded to athletes who excelled in the games and met the Minimum Qualifying Standard (MQS). These outstanding performances will be used to select participants for the upcoming 23rd National Para Athletic Championship, which will take place at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium in Chennai from February 17 to 20, 2025.
Muthineni Veerayya, Chairman of the Telangana Disabled Cooperative Corporation and Honorary President of the Para Sports Association of Telangana (PSAT), was the chief guest at the event. He praised the achievements of para-athletes and called for greater societal support for them. A special felicitation ceremony was also held for Jeevan G. Deepti, Dronacharya Awardee Nagapuri Ramesh, and Helen Keller Institute Chairman Umar Khan in recognition of their contributions.
PAAT General Secretary Gadipalli Prashant encouraged para-athletes to draw inspiration from Jeevan G. Deepti and aim to bring more medals to Telangana. He also appealed to the Telangana Sports Authority to ensure that para-athletes receive equal recognition and policy support within the state’s sports framework.
The event saw the participation of key officials and coaches, including Treasurer Uppunuthula Raju, Honorary Advisor Sanjeevayya, PSAT President Singarapu Babu, and coaches Kabir Das, Suresh, Deeravath Mahesh, Ragula Naresh, and Nukaraju. Their presence highlighted the collective effort to promote and support para-athletes in Telangana.