Hyderabad: Union Minister Kishan Reddy announced that the Central Government, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s guidance, is organizing the Veer Bal Diwas programme for the third time. He shared that the first Veer Bal Diwas was initiated in 2022 when he served as the Minister of Culture, following directions from the Prime Minister.
The Minister highlighted that the Central Government has issued instructions to celebrate Veer Bal Diwas across all districts and schools in the country. He mentioned that there have been requests to include this day in school syllabi, and he plans to discuss this matter directly with Prime Minister Modi. Minister Reddy also spoke about the significance of Veer Saheb’s martyrdom, which occurred on December 26, 350 years ago. He described it as a testament to Guru Gobind Singh’s dedication to preserving India’s culture and self-respect.
Kishan Reddy emphasized the sacrifice made by the young children of Bharat, acknowledging their bravery and the BJP’s respect for their contributions. He paid homage to the parents of these heroic Veer Sahebs and underlined the importance of spreading awareness about their sacrifices. The Minister announced that the Veer Bal Diwas programme would be celebrated in every village in the upcoming year. He also mentioned ongoing discussions about potentially renaming Martyrs’ Day and reiterated the need to include the history of these sacrifices in educational curricula. He stressed the importance of teaching youth about the sacrifices honored on Veer Bal Diwas.
The Union Minister also shared that Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw is scheduled to visit Hyderabad on December 28. Responding to requests from the Sikh community, Reddy stated that they would explore the possibility of starting a special train service from Secunderabad to the Golden Temple in Amritsar. He assured full support for this proposal.
Finally, Kishan Reddy expressed gratitude to community leaders and individuals including Bal Dev Singh, Bagga Singh, Gurdev Singh, Bagender Singh, Harisingh, Chandrasekhar, Ramchander, Gautam Rao, Premender, Dr. Shilpa Reddy, Jayashree, Harvinder, Madhusudan, and Kondeti for their contributions and support.