Palakurthi MLA Yasaswini Raja Ramamohan Reddy conducted a ‘Satyanarayana Vratam’ at her camp office on Wednesday. The ritual was performed to pray for the well-being of the people and the development of the region.
The event was attended by her in-laws, including Congress Party Palakurthi constituency in-charge Jhansi Rajender Reddy. A large gathering of family members, relatives from India and abroad, and constituents also participated in the vratam.
Priests conducted the ceremony with devotion, chanting Vedic mantras and offering special prayers. The atmosphere was filled with spirituality as attendees joined in the rituals.
Speaking on the occasion, MLA Yasaswini expressed hope that the Chief Minister is committed to addressing the challenges faced by the people and advancing the development of the constituency in all sectors. She added that the vratam was performed with the belief that it would bring positive changes to the region, ensuring health and prosperity for its residents.