Hyderabad: The HYDRA Commissioner, Ranganath, visited areas near the Outer Ring Road (ORR) in Hyderabad today to inspect the condition of several lakes. His inspection focused on key water bodies such as Tauatanikunta, Bhagirathamma, and Narsingi Vennampur lakes. The visit came after complaints from local residents and representatives about issues affecting these lakes.
During his tour, Ranganath raised serious concerns about encroachments around the lakes. He was particularly upset about ongoing land grabbing in the Nankramguda area and called for strict action to stop the illegal occupation of lake lands.
The inspections are part of the HYDRA Commissioner’s ongoing efforts to protect the environment and preserve the city’s water resources. Ranganath assured citizens that swift action would be taken against encroachers. He also urged local authorities to prioritize the protection of these important natural resources.