The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) and the traffic police joined forces for an anti-encroachment drive in Saidabad on Saturday. The operation focused on removing illegal structures along the stretch between Saidabad Cross Roads and Saidabad Colony.
During the drive, authorities removed around 60 encroachments. These included sheds, kiosks, and temporary stalls that were obstructing public pathways. The main goal of this initiative was to clear the area, improve traffic flow, and create safer road conditions for commuters.
Traffic police officials explained that the action was taken because these encroachments were causing frequent traffic slowdowns in the area. They also urged residents and shopkeepers not to occupy public spaces and to respect the roadways to avoid further disruptions.
The GHMC and traffic police highlighted that this drive is part of ongoing efforts to enhance road safety and improve urban mobility across Hyderabad.