On November 12, 2024, a young woman from Dawazipalli village filed a complaint at the Pebbair police station in Wanaparthy district. She reported an incident involving an individual who had introduced himself to her earlier.
The complainant stated that on November 11, 2024, the accused called her at 7 a.m. and asked her to come to Pebbair mandal. When she arrived, the accused took her to the Beechupalli temple near the Kurnool bypass. From there, they traveled on a friend’s bike to a spot under the Krishna River bridge.
At this location, the complainant said the accused took her jewelry, including earrings, side earrings, matinees, and anklets, and placed them in a towel. The accused reportedly sent photos of the items to his mother via WhatsApp. Afterward, the accused fled with the complainant’s belongings and her cellphone.
The police have now arrested two individuals in connection with this incident. A case has been registered, and further investigation is underway, according to SI Hariprasad Reddy.