The Sri Parvathi Jadala Ramalingeswara Swamy Temple in Chervugattu village, Narketpally mandal, witnessed a massive turnout of devotees on Sunday. It was the last day of the Kartika month and also Amavasya (New Moon), a significant day for rituals. People from various regions gathered early in the morning to perform special poojas and abhishekam. Women lit Kartika deepams (lamps), creating a serene and spiritual ambiance.
In the evening, more devotees began arriving at the temple to stay overnight and participate in the Amavasya night rituals. The temple’s chief priests—Pothulapati Ramalingeswara Sharma, Satish Sharma, Suresh Sharma, Sreekanth Sharma, and Nagayya—conducted Laksha Pushparchana, a ritual involving the offering of 1,00,000 flowers, along with other special poojas. These ceremonies were accompanied by Vedic chants, enhancing the sacred atmosphere.
The temple’s Executive Officer, Naveen Kumar, oversaw the arrangements to ensure the smooth conduct of rituals. However, devotees faced challenges due to heavy traffic jams on the hilltop and ghat roads, making their journey to the temple difficult. Despite these issues, the spiritual fervor remained high among the devotees.