As winter begins in Hyderabad, residents are enjoying the cooler weather, but air pollution is becoming a growing concern. Smog has become a frequent sight, and while temperatures are dropping, the air quality is steadily deteriorating.
For most of the past three weeks, the city’s air quality has been classified as ‘moderate,’ with no signs of immediate improvement. On Wednesday, temperatures fell to 15.1°C, but pollution levels surged, raising alarms among health experts.
The Central Pollution Control Board reported moderate Air Quality Index (AQI) levels across many parts of the city. Areas such as Bollaram (114), Central University (95), and ECIL (90) had moderate readings. However, some locations like ICRISAT Patancheru (160), Pashamylaram (158), and Sanathnagar (175) recorded significantly higher pollution levels. Other areas, including Kandi (100), Kokapet (76), Kompally (89), and Zoo Park (175), also showed moderate AQI scores.
PM2.5, a fine particulate matter that can enter the lungs and cause respiratory and heart problems, is a key contributor to the pollution. On Monday, the city’s AQI was 123, which, while still moderate, poses risks to individuals with existing respiratory conditions. On Tuesday, the AQI was 114, indicating similar conditions.
Throughout November, air quality in Hyderabad has fluctuated between ‘satisfactory’ and ‘moderate.’ For example, on November 14, the AQI was 93, which is relatively good. However, it steadily worsened, reaching 101 on November 15 and climbing above 110 by November 19.
According to AQI standards, a score between 101 and 200 is categorized as ‘moderate.’ While this level is not hazardous for most people, it can cause discomfort for sensitive groups. Unfortunately, this moderate range has persisted for over two weeks, with no significant improvement on the horizon.
Colder areas like BHEL and Macha Bollaram, where temperatures have dropped to around 12°C, are experiencing even denser and more hazardous air. Health experts are advising people with heart or lung conditions to avoid outdoor activities, especially when the AQI exceeds 150.
The weather forecast for the upcoming week predicts partly cloudy skies with haze. Temperatures are expected to range between 15°C and 30°C, which could further contribute to poor air quality in the city. Residents are urged to take precautions to protect their health during this period.