A student-led conference was held on Sunday at Blue Bells School in Hanuman Nagar, Karimnagar district. This event was part of the LEAD curriculum. More than 400 students from UKG to 5th Grade participated, preparing various working models and charts. Each class displayed around 70 models. Additionally, 15 teachers from these grades presented model lessons to parents.
Students explained important topics such as the benefits of eating healthy food and the drawbacks of consuming junk food. They also talked about the health problems caused by unhealthy eating. In mathematics, students demonstrated simple techniques for addition, subtraction, and problem-solving using easy-to-understand tools.
In science, students made models of human body parts and explained how they work, focusing on systems like the respiratory, circulatory, and digestive systems. They also built models of common places such as hospitals, police stations, bus stands, railway stations, and parks, explaining their functions to the parents. Teachers showed how they use these models in their daily teaching through short, focused lessons for the parents.
The school’s principal, Jang Sunitha Manohar Reddy, highlighted the importance of creating working models. She said that this method helps students boost their creativity and understand concepts better. According to her, learning by doing leaves a lasting impact and helps students connect more with the world around them.
Parents were very happy to see how confidently their children explained the models. They shared that events like these help improve children’s skills and creativity, which can help them perform better in their studies.
Several special guests attended the event, including K Ashok Reddy (Quality Coordinator), CH Jaipal Reddy (District Science Officer), KS Ananta Chari (Science Resource Person & Retired Gazetted Headmaster), B Surender Reddy, and K Sudhakar Reddy.