Rachakonda Commissioner of Police, G. Sudheer Babu, has assured that no one who harasses women and girls will be let off lightly. He encouraged women to report any harassment incidents without fear. The SHE Teams, working undercover, have been conducting decoy operations in various public places such as bus and train stations, metro stations, schools, colleges, markets, and other locations to catch offenders.
The Rachakonda SHE Teams have been successful in their operations, apprehending 268 individuals who were harassing women during public events like Ganesh immersion and in other public spaces. These offenders were later brought for counseling sessions with their family members at the CP Camp Office in LB Nagar.
Between the 1st and 30th of last month, the SHE Teams received 343 complaints. Among these, 69 were related to harassment via phone, 91 through social media, and 183 were reported in person. Out of these, 11 were registered as criminal cases, 107 were considered minor offenses, and 174 people were given counseling, according to DCP T. Usha Vishwanath of the Women’s Safety Wing.
Key Cases
1. Arrest of Man for Misconduct
On the night of September 22, 2024, a woman reported to the SHE Teams via WhatsApp that a masked man on a motorcycle inappropriately touched her while she was on the phone near her home. The police quickly identified and arrested the suspect using CCTV footage and surveillance.
2. Arrest of Man for Exploiting a Minor
A young girl from Vanasthalipuram was manipulated for two years by a man who falsely promised to marry her. He coerced her into a relationship, leading to an unwanted pregnancy, and then abandoned her. After the girl sought help from the SHE Teams, the man was charged under the POCSO Act.
3. Arrest of Man for Harassing a Married Woman
In Adibhatla, a married woman was harassed by a man who created a fake Instagram account and sent obscene messages to her husband and relatives. After she filed a complaint, a criminal case was registered, and the harasser was arrested.
Awareness Campaigns and Operations
Throughout the month, SHE Teams conducted 98 awareness programs, educating around 21,840 people about women’s rights, legal protections, and safety. They also carried out decoy operations on metro trains, catching seven men in the women’s compartments, who were later fined by the metro authorities.
The Rachakonda Commissioner emphasized the importance of reporting any issues to the SHE Teams and promised that no offender will be spared. These efforts are part of a larger commitment to creating a safer environment for women and girls in the community.