Telangana Chief Minister A. Revanth Reddy has instructed officials to buy new RTC buses to meet the rising public demand for transportation. He highlighted that the growing needs of the public and newly planned routes should guide these bus purchases.
In a review meeting about RTC operations, the Chief Minister also talked about the free bus service for women. The meeting was attended by Transport Minister Ponnam Prabhakar, Chief Secretary Shanti Kumari, and other senior officials.
CM Revanth Reddy asked for updates on the Mahalakshmi Scheme, which offers free bus travel for women. Officials shared that the scheme has been very successful. So far, 83.42 crore women have used the free bus service, leading to savings of ₹2,840.71 crores for these women.
Currently, the scheme covers 7,292 RTC buses. Since the scheme started, officials have noticed more women traveling from different districts to hospitals in Hyderabad.