In a historic decision, the Supreme Court has allowed the classification of SC sub-castes. This means state governments can now manage this categorization. This victory is the result of a 30-year long struggle led by Manda Krishna Madiga, a well-known advocate for the cause.
The Supreme Court’s verdict was celebrated in Gadwal town. MRPS leaders, along with leaders from various organizations and parties, paid tribute to Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian Constitution. They garlanded his statue and dedicated this victory to the martyrs of the movement. Additionally, they performed a milk offering ceremony to the portrait of Manda Krishna Madiga.
BRS state leader Nagar Doddi Venkatramulu attended the event and expressed his joy over the success of the prolonged struggle. He reminisced about the ten years he spent alongside Manda Krishna and the MRPS, highlighting the significance of the victory.
Other prominent BRS leaders, including Atikur Rehman Saheb and Tawer Maqbool, also attended the event. They extended their congratulations on this momentous occasion.