BRS MLA Ch Malla Reddy recently met with Finance Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka at the CLP office in the Assembly premises. This meeting has caught the attention of many and sparked rumors that Malla Reddy might join the Congress party.
The way Malla Reddy waited for Bhatti to come out of the Assembly hall and their friendly interaction has piqued interest in political circles. When Bhatti exited the hall, Malla Reddy greeted him warmly. Bhatti responded by embracing him publicly at the Assembly Hall’s members’ entrance. They then walked together to the CLP office, surprising everyone.
This event comes amid a series of defections of BRS MLAs to Congress. Many see it as Congress’s attempt to attract another MLA to their side. However, a few months ago, similar rumors arose when Malla Reddy met with the Chief Minister’s Advisor, Vem Narender Reddy. Malla Reddy, who owns educational institutions, is facing charges of encroachment. Some believe that this recent meeting with Bhatti was aimed at discussing ways to protect his properties.