Hyderabad: Rachakonda Police Commissioner Sudheer Babu launched cycle patrols on Monday to improve visible policing and deliver swift justice to the public. He instructed the staff to include cycle patrols along with blue colts and patrol cars within police station jurisdictions. Each police station received three to five cycles, and the staff started patrolling on bicycles that day.
Local police station staff were directed to conduct cycle patrols in their respective areas every morning and evening. This initiative aims to bring police services closer to the public and enhance patrolling efforts.
The Commissioner emphasized the important role of female staff in field duties, ensuring they face no difficulties. He praised their enthusiastic participation in blue colts, patrol cars, and now cycle patrol duties.
Sudheer Babu also highlighted the role of SHE Teams in protecting women and assured strict action against those committing crimes against children and the elderly. He noted the prompt response to complaints received through Dial 100 and 112.