Chief Minister Revanth Reddy criticized the previous Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government, saying they handled power contracts poorly. He mentioned that the BRS had asked for an inquiry into agreements with Chhattisgarh, Yadadri, and Bhadradri. Because of these requests, a commission was set up to investigate.
The chief minister added that the Supreme Court agreed to continue the inquiry and asked for a new chairman for the commission. This new chairman is expected to be appointed by Monday evening. He also claimed that many improvements in Telangana’s power supply came from decisions made during the YS regime, especially ensuring uninterrupted power for Hyderabad.
Revanth Reddy acknowledged that KCR was praised for negotiating a special deal for Telangana. This deal allowed Telangana to get 53.46 percent of the electricity, while Andhra Pradesh received 46.54 percent.
In a strong response, CM Revanth Reddy called for an examination of records from 2015. He claimed that KCR had misled the assembly several times and showed how opposing voices were silenced using marshals. Reddy also questioned the effectiveness of current solar power projects, stating that under the previous government, solar energy production was only one megawatt and was mostly managed by private companies.