Hyderabad is alive with excitement as the Bonalu Festival kicks off in the city. The Lal Darwaja Shree Simhavahini Ammavari Bonala Mahotsava began on Sunday in Old City, attracting a large number of worshippers eager to honor the Goddess.
This year is special, marking the 116th anniversary of the Lal Darwaza festival. Devotees have come from all over Telangana and neighboring states to participate in the prayers. The area around the temple is getting more crowded as more visitors arrive.
To make sure everything goes smoothly, the state police have made extensive arrangements. The festival starts with the Ammavari Shanti Kalyanam on the first day. The second day features a grand Ghata procession, which includes Rangam Bhavishyavani and traditional Potaraju performances. More than 500 police officers are on duty, with CCTV cameras monitoring the area. Five queue lines have been set up at the temple, including two lines specifically for women bringing bonas.
Deputy Chief Minister Bhatti Vikramarka and his wife will present silk clothes to the Goddess on behalf of the state government. Special arrangements have also been made for the Bonala fair at 23 major temples in the old city.
In a related move, liquor shops in certain areas of Hyderabad will be closed for 24 hours in observance of the festival. The Hyderabad Police Commissioner has warned that strict action will be taken against anyone trying to sell liquor illegally during this sacred time.