Hyderabad: Additional Advocate-General Imran Khan assured the Telangana High Court’s division bench that the Fisheries department is taking firm steps to protect Chitkul Lake in Patancheru from further pollution.
He told the court that the 10 tonnes of dead fish found in the lake on June 28 were not due to industrial waste, but because of heavy rain. The rainwater entered the Peddacheruvu of Chitkul village, leading to a drop in oxygen and an increase in ammonia, causing the fish to die. Even the Tilapia fish, which is commercially valuable, were affected.
Khan read from the department’s counter-affidavit, stating that they are doing their best to protect the lake. They have a concrete plan to remove weeds and build enough sewage treatment plants within four months. The sewage entering the lake from various places will be stopped immediately, protecting the lake from pollution. Additionally, fish will be harvested regularly.
The bench was hearing a Suo Motu PIL based on a news report that claimed fish died due to industrial waste. The case has been adjourned to October 2024 for further hearing.