The Telangana state government recently presented its budget for the current financial year in the Legislative Assembly. Deputy Chief Minister and Finance Minister Bhatti Vikramarka introduced the budget. The budget totals ₹2,91,159 crores and aims to promote development and welfare in various sectors.
The overall budget is ₹2,91,159 crores, with ₹33,487 crores allocated for capital expenditure.
For revenue, the state expects to generate ₹1,38,181.26 crores from taxes and ₹35,208.44 crores from non-tax sources. Additionally, Telangana will receive ₹26,216.28 crores as its share of central taxes and ₹21,636.15 crores in central grants. The state also plans to propose loans amounting to ₹57,112 crores.
The budget breaks down into several key sectors. Agriculture is allocated ₹72,659 crores and horticulture will receive ₹737 crores. Animal husbandry gets ₹1,980 crores.
The gas cylinder scheme is allocated ₹723 crores, and the household Jyothi scheme will receive ₹2,418 crores. The public distribution system is set to receive ₹3,836 crores.
For Panchayati Raj and rural development, ₹29,816 crores have been allocated. The regional ring road (RRR) project will receive ₹1,525 crores. Women and child welfare is allocated ₹2,736 crores.
Scheduled Caste (SC) welfare will receive ₹33,124 crores, while Scheduled Tribe (ST) welfare gets ₹17,056 crores. Minority welfare is allocated ₹3,003 crores, and Backward Class (BC) welfare will receive ₹9,200 crores.
The medical and health sector is allocated ₹11,468 crores. Transco and Discoms will receive ₹16,410 crores. The forests and environment sector gets ₹1,064 crores.
The industries department is allocated ₹2,762 crores, and the IT department will receive ₹774 crores. The irrigation sector gets ₹22,301 crores.
The education sector is allocated ₹21,292 crores, and the home department will receive ₹9,564 crores. Roads and buildings department is allocated ₹5,790 crores.