Gadwal: The Gadwal police have solved a series of daylight thefts that targeted three houses in Gadwal town and Gattu village. They arrested Nandine Mahesh, a 30-year-old laborer from Nandinne Village, and recovered 19 tolas of stolen gold.
The thefts happened during the day when the houses were empty. Mahesh, driven by financial problems and alcohol addiction, broke into locked homes and stole gold and cash. He took items like gold chains, necklaces, rings, and other jewelry.
One victim, Mitikila Veera Pratap, reported a theft from his home on Panduranga Street in Gadwal Town. The police registered the case under Cr No 160/2024 U/s 454, 380 IPC. Another theft linked to Mahesh occurred in Maddelabanda village and was registered at Maldakal Police Station under FIR No 131/2024.
The police conducted a detailed investigation. They analyzed CCTV footage and other technical evidence. Under the supervision of DSP Gadwal Satyanarayana and Additional SP Jogulamba Gadwal District K. Guna Shekhar, they arrested Mahesh near the new bus stand in Gadwal on July 22, 2024.
A special police team including CI Bhim Kumar, SI Srinivas, and head constable Ranjith successfully recovered the stolen gold and remanded Mahesh. The District SP praised the officers and staff for their excellent work in solving the case.
PRO, District Police Office, Jogulamba Gadwal District.