In Hyderabad on Friday, an electricity employee was attacked by a local resident while checking the power usage at a house.
The incident took place in Sanath Nagar. The electricity worker, Sai Ganesh, visited Ramulu’s house to collect an unpaid electricity bill of Rs 6,858. When Ramulu refused to pay, Ganesh tried to disconnect the electricity supply.
This led to a violent reaction from Ramulu’s son, Muralidhar Rao, a 19-year-old trained kickboxer. He physically attacked Ganesh, causing injuries to his face and eye.
The police arrived at the scene after being informed of the incident and started an investigation. Ganesh received immediate medical treatment for his injuries.
TSSPDCL chairman and managing director, Musharaff Ali, met with Ganesh to check on his health. He warned that legal action would be taken against anyone who attacks electricity officers and staff while they are on duty.