Telangana Director-General of Police (DGP) Dr. Jitender issued a serious warning to the public on Friday. He alerted everyone about a new trend where fraudsters are making fake calls pretending to be police officers. These imposters aim to trick people and steal their money.
Taking to the official Telangana DGP handle on ‘X’, he shared a video showing a scam. In this video, a fraudster falsely told a man that his son was jailed for rape and demanded money to fix the situation.
The DGP advised people to be cautious of such calls. He mentioned that these scammers use photos with police badges and claim that a relative has been caught for a crime or that illegal drugs have been delivered in their name. They try to scare people into giving them money.
He stressed the importance of being alert and suggested using the hashtag #CyberFraudAlert and #FakePoliceCall to raise awareness. He also reminded everyone to contact @Cyberdost or dial 1930 if they encounter such fraudulent calls.