The Telangana police took action against a sub-inspector who mistreated a truck driver in Gandi Maisamma, Quthbullapur. BRS working president K T Rama Rao criticized the incident and called for police officers to attend sensitivity training.
Rama Rao pointed out that instances of police misconduct are common in the state. He expressed his concern about the behavior of law enforcement officials towards citizens, urging the Telangana DGP to address the issue.
The sub-inspector was seen hitting the truck driver and using abusive language. The officer has been transferred from their current station as a disciplinary measure. The Telangana police assured the public that they are committed to serving them around the clock.
The incident took place within the Cyberabad Jeedimetla traffic limits. The sub-inspector has been relocated to the Cyberabad police headquarters following the complaint.