In Gadwal, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and the Congress party fulfilled their promise to waive farmers’ loans by depositing up to Rs. 1 lakh into farmers’ accounts, totaling Rs. 144.5 crore across the district.
District-wide celebrations took place with MLA Bandla Krishna Mohan Reddy and other leaders leading the festivities. In Konkal village, Congress leader Seksha Vali also organized celebrations with former MLA Sampath Kumar and Achari.
CM Revanth Reddy, along with Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, interacted with farmers through a live broadcast from Praja Bhavan, reassuring them of the government’s support and commitment to fulfilling promises made during the campaign.
The debt waiver celebration not only provided relief to farmers but also strengthened the bond between the agricultural community and the government. CM Revanth Reddy’s pledge to stand by his words without hesitation instilled hope and confidence among farmers.
Overall, the day’s events demonstrated the Congress party’s dedication to turning promises into actions for the benefit of farmers in Gadwal district and beyond.