Hyderabad: The Telangana official delegation, led by State Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy, will attend a meeting organized by the National Dam Safety Authority (NDSA) in New Delhi on July 20. The delegation will provide updates on the progress of temporary repairs at the Medigadda, Annaram, and Sundilla barrages. They will also discuss plans for permanent repairs during the meeting.
The State Irrigation Wing is working on restoring water flow in the barrages by implementing temporary measures recommended by the NDSA. These measures include constructing ‘rock formation’ or ‘rockfill dams’ to lift water for irrigation in the kharif season. These temporary works are being carried out to address the damages caused by heavy flows during the monsoon season.
Once the temporary repairs at the three barrages are completed, the Irrigation Minister and his team will meet with the NDSA to request a final report on permanent repairs. The involvement of contract agencies in completing these works and any financial implications for the State will be assessed based on the NDSA’s recommendations for restoring the barrages under the Kaleshwaram Lift Irrigation scheme.