In Hyderabad, hundreds of mourners marched through the city on Wednesday to honor Hazrat Imam Hussain and his companions who died in Karbala in 680 AD. This procession, known as Youm-e-Ashura, took place under tight security measures to mark the 10th day of Moharram, the first month of the Islamic calendar.
Shia Muslims observe this day to remember the battlefield death of Imam Hussain, Prophet Mohammed’s grandson, along with 72 companions in Karbala, Iraq. The main procession started at Bibi-ka-Alawa in Dabeerpura and ended at Chaderghat, with thousands of mourners participating. The Hyderabad city police commissioner offered ‘Dhatti’ to the Bibi-ka-Alam at Charminar.
The Bibi-ka-Alam procession moved through the Old City streets, where Shia Muslims mourned by self-flagellating with chains and swords. Water and Sharbat were distributed from water sabeels set up in the area. Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy emphasized that Moharram symbolizes sacrifice and unity, bridging differences among people.
During the procession, barefooted mourners from various Anjumans paid homage at different stops, including Ashoorkhana ‘Khadam-e-Rasool’ and Peeli Gate in Purani Haveli. The Alam, a symbol of mourning, is preserved with Arabic calligraphy and precious gems. Nizam IX, Nawab Mir Mohammed Azmet Ali Khan, offered traditional ‘Dhatti’ and ‘Nazrana’ to Bibi-ka-Alam for the first time.
Police and RAF were deployed along the procession route to ensure the security of the valuable gems on the elephant carrying Alam. A medical emergency team was also present during the mourning procession to handle any health emergencies.