A student named Saraswathi died at BC Girls’ Gurukul School in Dosapahad, Penpahad Mandal, under suspicious circumstances. She was a 10-year-old 5th Grade student.
Saraswathi developed a fever on Monday night and was examined by the school’s General Nurse Midwife early Tuesday morning. She was taken to a local Registered Medical Practitioner (RMP) who administered an injection. However, her condition worsened, and she was pronounced dead on arrival at the Government General Hospital in Suryapet.
Relatives and parents protested at the hospital mortuary, accusing principal Vijayalakshmi and staff of trying to cover up the student’s death. They claimed Saraswathi had died the previous night but were only informed in the morning. The family demanded action against the principal and staff, questioning if Saraswathi had been harmed in any way.
Police, under the supervision of DSP Ravi, ensured there were no violent incidents as relatives expressed their anger towards RCO Shakeena and the principal.