The Telangana High Court’s division bench, with CJ Alok Aradhe and Justice Jukanti Anil Kumar, issued notices to the State chief secretary and principal secretary (GAD) in response to a PIL challenging the State’s action in paying income tax for certain government officials. The officials named include the CM, Deputy CM, all ministers, the Speaker, Deputy Speaker, chairman and deputy chairman of the council.
The petitioner questioned the validity of Section 3(4) of the AP Payment of Salaries and Pension and Removal of Disqualification Act, 1953. The petitioner also sought to set aside Section 3(4) of the Telangana Payment of Salaries and Pension and Removal of Disqualification Act, 1953. The bench heard the PIL filed by Forum for Good Governance, represented by Soma Srinivas Reddy, challenging the government’s payment of income tax for various political functionaries.
The petitioner argued that public servants who receive salaries from the State should be responsible for paying their income tax, rather than the government covering these costs. The hearing was adjourned for four weeks.
In a separate case, the High Court directed the State government to provide a compliance report on steps taken to implement Section 121 C of the Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009. This section mandates private unaided schools to reserve 25% of seats for children from weaker sections and economically poor backgrounds in class I and pre-school.
CJ Alok Aradhe asked for an affidavit regarding the implementation of Section 121 C of the Act and requested statistics on which institutions in the State have reserved 25% of seats for disadvantaged children. The bench was hearing a PIL filed by advocate Thandava Yogesh from Prakasam district, AP, seeking implementation of this provision in all private unaided schools. The petitioner argued that failing to reserve these seats would violate certain laws and rights. The hearing was adjourned for two weeks for filing a compliance report.