The Cyberabad cyber crime police arrested a job fraudster who scammed people out of Rs 5.64 lakh by providing fake offer letters. The arrested person, Kilaru Seetaiah (35), hailed from Nandigam, NTR district in Andhra Pradesh and had a history of seven previous cases.
Seetaiah pretended to be a senior employee at Ericsson Global India Pvt Ltd and falsely advertised job openings that did not exist. He would present victims with fake job offers, including made-up positions and future joining dates, in order to deceive them into giving him money.
The police revealed that the fraudster obtained contacts from job profiles on websites like Naukari and LinkedIn. He would then reach out to victims, claiming to be from Ericsson Global India Pvt Ltd and offering to secure them a job for a fee.
Through this scheme, Seetaiah managed to swindle Rs 5,64,980 from unsuspecting individuals who were seeking employment opportunities.