Deputy Chief Minister Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka announced that a decision on the Rythu Bharosa eligibility criteria will be made after consulting with farmers. The State Cabinet sub-committee met with farmers in Hanumakonda to discuss guidelines for the Rythu Bharosa scheme. The Congress government is dedicated to supporting farmers.
The opinions of farmers and Opposition parties will be considered before proposing new guidelines for Rythu Bharosa. The government is working to prevent any irregularities in the implementation of the scheme, Bhatti stated. Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao criticized the previous government for neglecting farmer welfare.
Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy intends to provide crop insurance benefits to farmers, unlike the previous government, Tummala added. Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy accused leaders of the previous government of spreading misinformation and pushing the State into a significant debt trap. Ministers Konda Surekha and Seethakka highlighted flaws in the previous government’s Rythu Bandhu program and emphasized the importance of avoiding irregularities in Rythu Bharosa.