District Collector Badavath Santosh visited crop fields in Desi Itikyala village in Nagar Kurnool Mandal. He spoke with farmers cultivating cotton and paddy crops, such as Nagayya, Ramulu, and Shekhar Reddy, to learn about their crops and examine their fields.
During his visit, the Collector asked about the types of crops being grown, irrigation water supply, fertilizers, and seed names needed for cultivation. He also gathered information about the total acreage of different crops in the village and mandal.
Afterward, the Collector conducted a surprise inspection of seed shops in Nagar Kurnool town. He reviewed stock registers for seeds and urea, focusing on the UK cotton variety seeds commonly used in the district. The Collector also inquired about fertilizer and seed stock details required by farmers.
District Agriculture Officer Chandrasekhar, Nagar Kurnool Divisional Agriculture Officer Ramesh Babu, and Nagar Kurnool Mandal Agriculture Officer Narmada accompanied the Collector during his visits and inspections.