Deputy CM Mallu Bhatti Vikramarka announced that a new DSC notification will be released soon to fill 6,000 additional posts on top of the current notification for 11,000 posts. He emphasized the importance of conducting the exams without any further delays to avoid causing losses to job aspirants who have been waiting for years.
Bhatti stated that the government is committed to releasing a job calendar and filling all vacancies in various departments through competitive exams conducted by TGPSC. He criticized the previous government for mismanagement and highlighted the issues faced by job aspirants due to leaked question papers.
The Deputy CM mentioned that more than two lakh applicants have already downloaded their hall tickets out of 2.8 lakh applicants for the DSC exams. He assured that all 13,321 vacancies will be filled by the government through TGPSC. Bhatti also compared the present government’s commitment to conducting exams on time with the previous government’s track record of postponing exams multiple times.
Overall, Bhatti emphasized the government’s focus on improving education quality, providing opportunities to the underprivileged, and filling all vacant positions through transparent and timely recruitment processes.