Former minister and BRS party MLA Talasani Srinivas Yadav announced that the Bonalu festival in Secunderabad will be celebrated grandly. He visited the Ujjaini Mahankali Temple with officials from various departments to inspect the preparations for the festival, which is set to take place on the 21st of this month.
During his visit, Talasani mentioned that thousands of devotees from all over the country come to worship Goddess Mahankali during the Bonalu festival in Secunderabad. He instructed officials to ensure that devotees face no inconvenience during their visit. Additionally, he mentioned that a procession of Goddess Ammavaru on Rangam (Bhavishyavani) and Ambari will be held on July 22, and suggested putting up strong barricades for crowd control during the darshan.
Talasani reminisced about how after Telangana’s formation, Chief Minister KCR declared Bonalu as a State festival and celebrated it grandly. He urged police officials to issue special passes with photographs to volunteers assisting devotees during the festival. Furthermore, he directed them to install CC cameras and deploy additional police personnel to monitor the law and order situation.