Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka asked Odisha CM Mohan Charan Manji to help with the coal mine project in Naini. The Odisha CM agreed to cooperate and promised support for the mining work.
After their discussion, orders were given to Odisha officials to ensure the smooth progress of the Singareni project in Naini Block. Deputy CM Bhatti Vikramarka and his team stressed the importance of the coal blocks for Singareni and mentioned that they were allocated to the company in 2017.
The CM highlighted that the transfer of forest and private lands to Singareni is still pending, but once resolved, mining can begin at Naini Block. He also mentioned that the mining activities will create jobs for Odisha’s youth and bring in tax revenue of up to Rs. 600 crores for the state government.
It was emphasized that solving issues related to land transfer, electricity, and roads is crucial to start mining at Naini Block. The partnership between Telangana and Odisha is expected to benefit both states economically and in terms of job opportunities.