Duddilla Sridhar Babu, a politician from Manthani, has had a long and varied career. He studied Law in JNU, New Delhi, and worked in the High Court while preparing for Civil Services exams. He entered politics after his father, Duddilla Sripada Rao, passed away. Sridhar Babu served as the President of Karimnagar Joint District Congress and later became a minister in the Andhra Pradesh government before the state was bifurcated.
He has been elected as an MLA from the Manthani constituency multiple times, most recently in 2018 and 2023. Sridhar Babu is a key leader in the Telangana Congress Party, having held various positions within the party. He is known for his development work in the Manthani area and has a strong connection with the local community.
Sridhar Babu comes from a large family and has always been involved in public service. He has made significant contributions to the development of Manthani, including setting up educational institutions and infrastructure projects. Along with his brother, he runs a charitable trust that provides services to students in the area.
Despite facing some electoral setbacks, Sridhar Babu has continued to serve the people of Manthani diligently. He is committed to improving the lives of his constituents and has worked tirelessly to bring about positive change in the region.