Hyderabad City Police Commissioner Kothakota Sreenivasa Reddy announced tight security measures for the upcoming Bonalu festival, starting from Golconda on Sunday. A coordination meeting was held with officials from various departments, including Hyderabad collector Anudeep Durishetty and Additional CP (Traffic) P Vishwa Prasad.
This year, special arrangements are being made for women from remote villages who are expected to attend the festival. The City Police Commissioner, District Collector, and officials from different departments inspected the arrangements at Golconda Fort and surrounding areas. The Municipal department is ensuring enough staff is hired to manage waste disposal to prevent infections during the rainy season.
To tackle pickpockets and chain-snatchers, special surveillance teams are being formed, and CCTV cameras are being installed. Special SHE teams will be deployed to prevent eve-teasing. RTC buses will only park at designated spots as instructed by the police to ensure smooth traffic flow. All measures are being taken to avoid any inconvenience to devotees during the Golconda Bonalu festival and prevent any untoward incidents.
Present at the meeting were D Uday Kumar Reddy DCP, South West Zone, Mohammed Ashwaq, Additional DCP, Syed Fayaz, ACP Golconda, Dhana Laxmi, ACP Traffic, members of the Peace Committee and Maitri Committee, and members of Jagadambika Ammavari Committee.