Actor and philanthropist Sonu Sood visited Dasari Sai Kumari, also known as ‘Kumari Aunty’ on social media, at her roadside food stall in Madhapur. He shared a video from their meeting on social media, encouraging support and empowerment for women like Kumari Aunty who exhibit strength and resilience.
During their meeting, Sonu praised Kumari Aunty as a self-made lady and a shining example of women empowerment. He highlighted her hard work and dedication to her family, emphasizing the importance of supporting individuals like her.
Kumari Aunty became popular on social media for running a food stall that serves a variety of non-vegetarian dishes such as rice, chicken, and mutton curry at affordable prices. Her story has inspired many, including Sonu Sood, who recognizes and appreciates her determination and success.