Deputy Chief Minister of Telangana, Bhatti Vikramarka, talked about the increase in pharmaceutical exports from Hyderabad to other countries at the Indian Pharmaceutical Conference held at Hitex in the city. He mentioned plans to set up pharma clusters outside the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and introduce new policies in the power sector.
Minister Sridhar Babu, who was also present, highlighted Hyderabad’s growing importance in the pharmaceutical sector, with significant exports happening nationally and internationally. He assured investors of the government’s support and commitment to providing necessary facilities, especially in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) where Hyderabad is making progress.
Additionally, Minister Komatireddy Venkatreddy praised the development of the ORR during YSR’s time and the increase of IT industries in Hyderabad. He called for the construction of the Regional Ring Road (RRR) and encouraged industrialists to contribute to the development of rural areas through corporate social responsibility (CSR).