The Enforcement Directorate (ED) is investigating Patancheru BRS MLA Gudem Mahipal Reddy for an alleged mining scam and money laundering case. During a two-hour questioning session, the MLA disclosed details of money laundering, and the ED seized bank accounts and lockers related to the case. Documents allegedly in benami names were found during recent raids, linking Mahipal to illegal mining and money laundering activities.
The ED is also looking into Mahipal’s shares in real estate companies where he and his brother, Madhusudhan Reddy, reportedly funneled money. A case was filed against the brothers based on a FIR registered by Patancheru police, accusing them of illegally carrying out mining worth Rs 300 crore and evading Rs 39 crore in government royalties. The diverted funds were allegedly sent to benami firms and other businesses.
As part of the investigation, ED officials conducted searches at 10 locations linked to a money laundering case involving Patancheru-based Santhosh Sand and Granite Supply, owned by the MLA. The agency is acting under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002, to uncover any illegal activities.