The BRS Hanumakonda district party office in Balasamudram is facing scrutiny over allegations of illegal construction. The Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC) has asked for land allotment proceedings and permission copies, but the party functionaries have not responded yet. The notice was issued under the Telangana Municipalities Act, 2019.
The RDO has received a letter from the Hanumakonda RDO stating that Warangal West MLA Naini Rajender Reddy has requested the cancellation of the allotment of government land in survey number 1066 of Balasamudram for the construction of the BRS party office. The MLA also asked for alternate land for the TRS party office.
There are concerns that the BRS does not have valid documents for the land allotment, which was originally designated as a lung space in Balasamudram. The government had allocated land near the Press Club for the BRS party office, but they chose to build it at the current location near the MLA’s camp office.
It is rumored that the BRS party office construction site shares a border with the MLA’s camp office. The situation is still unfolding as authorities investigate the legality of the construction.