In Hyderabad, the Telangana Southern Power Distribution Company Limited (TGSPDCL) is using new technology to improve power supply reliability in the GHMC limits. They have acquired 35 thermo vision cameras to help detect issues like loose contacts and ‘red hots’ in live electrical equipment and power lines caused by weather and high load conditions. These cameras are given to Assistant Engineers in Greater Hyderabad for better monitoring.
The advanced cameras can identify thermal anomalies, loose contacts in overhead lines, lugs, breakers, transformers, and clamps. By detecting these problems early, TGSPDCL can plan maintenance before any major disruptions happen. Previously, staff could only check the lines at night because without this equipment, they couldn’t see these issues during the day.
TGSPDCL’s CMD, Musharraf Faruqui, believes that this new technology will help with timely maintenance and reduce the chances of unexpected power outages. This will ultimately improve the overall reliability of the power distribution network.