In Hyderabad, the police stopped student leaders from marching to Raj Bhavan in protest of the NEET paper leak. The NSUI called for a statewide bandh on July 6 to intensify their campaign. Leaders from various student organizations were detained at Indira Gandhi statue as they demanded a re-examination of NEET.
The student groups want the Union government to conduct a re-examination of NEET under the supervision of a Supreme Court judge. They also want the National Testing Agency, responsible for NEET, to be terminated. Despite trying to submit a representation to the Governor, the students felt ignored by the government.
MLC and NSUI State president Venkat Balmoor stated that the fight will continue until their demands are met. During the protest, some student leaders caused damage to a police vehicle, leading to their relocation to Goshamahal police grounds.
Earlier in June, student leaders attempted to protest outside Union Minister G Kishan Reddy’s residence after he refused to meet with them. The police detained many students during this incident as well.