SBI Hyderabad Circle celebrated the 69th State Bank Day in Telangana State with enthusiasm. They organized a special cultural evening and honored retired senior executives for their contributions. SBI LHO Hyderabad also celebrated Doctor’s Day by recognizing the bank’s doctors.
During the celebration, Chief General Manager Rajesh Kumar led employees in taking a pledge to make SBI the preferred bank for everyone. He emphasized the importance of providing excellent customer service and urged employees to maintain SBI’s position as a leader in financial services.
Rajesh Kumar encouraged employees to focus on expanding digital operations and staying updated on security measures, including cyber security. He donated five vehicles worth around Rs 50 lakh to five NGOs and gave a 20 KW rooftop solar system to Vivekananda Seva Sangham for generating solar power.
He praised the doctors for their hard work, selflessness, and dedication in serving society.