Minister Jupalli Krishna Rao attended a farewell meeting for Zilla Parishad Sarva Sabha members in Nagarkurnool. He mentioned that the Zilla Parishad has been lacking funds for the past five years, hindering the members from helping the poor. In order for elected systems to work effectively, they need appropriate funds and powers.
The minister highlighted the success of the Gram Panchayat system in Kerala, where houses are built for the poor and monthly payments are made to them. He emphasized that this government aims to provide services transparently and without corruption. By strengthening systems like Gram Panchayats, Mandals, and Zilla Parishads, they can better serve the people.
Various officials, including Achampeta MLA Vamsikrishna and Nagar Kurnool MLA Rajesh Reddy, expressed their commitment to respecting and supporting public representatives. Plans were discussed to develop Nallamallu as a tourism hub and involve public representatives in decision-making processes. ZP Chairperson Shanthakumari thanked the community for allowing her to serve as ZP Chairperson.
During the event, ZPTC members laid the foundation stone for a new ZP Office and were honored by the minister. The importance of not weakening village systems was stressed, and efforts were made to create separate chambers for different representatives. Overall, the meeting celebrated the dedication of public officials in serving their communities.